Simple Fishing Tips and Why You Might Be A Fanatic

People like their hobbies. For one thing, they are a relaxing escape from the day-to-day drudgery we call life. For another, they simply make you happy.

Anglers are no different. In fact, it may be debatable whether fishermen are some of the most fanatical hobbyists in the world when it comes to fishing. However, no one is judging.
Fishing is a great way to bond with friends and family and an even better way to impart life lessons on your kids. Lessons can include teaching them perseverance, patience, and using proper equipment to get the job done such as bait, rod, reel, weights, and line.
On a lighter note before we share several tricks and tips with you here are three tips to determine if you may qualify as a fishing fanatic:
1. The weather report always translates to your favor. Ninety per cent chance of rain means that there is a whole ten per cent chance of perfect fishing weather!
2. You have a terrible time waking up at 9 am on a weekday to go to the office but can wake up at 3 am on the weekends to go fishing just fine.
3. The one thing in your life someone can set his or her clocks by is the fact that you will be going fishing this weekend.
As we said, no one is judging.
Fishing can be very relaxing although kids may consider it boring. Here are some tips and tricks that avid anglers know and newbie's often overlook.
1. Know your equipment and terminology. Just as you need to know the contents of the toolbox in your garage, you need to know the contents of the equipment in your tackle box. Clean and reorganize it after each trip.
2. Familiarize yourself with the various fishing knots, baiting and casting techniques. These are all things you can properly learn without ever having to set foot on a boat.
For instance one little trick about baiting is that you can use super glue to keep the bait intact. Seasoned anglers do this to keep from constantly having to replace the worm. It means your bait spends more time in the water increasing your odds of catching something.
3. Know the area. If you have a boat, you are probably going to be fishing in unfamiliar territory from time to time. It pays to go over navigation charts and to learn from locals where the highest promise of catching fish lies. Know what type of fish are biting and what tackle is being used. Take your time to talk to the locals and ask their advice on any fishing tips that only a resident angler would know.
4. Know the elements. That weather tip you ignored earlier could make a big difference in the success rate of your fishing trip. Familiarize yourself with what effects the moon and the sun have with finding the fish. Wind and weather conditions often affect fish migrating patterns. You need to know which times of the day are ideal for which types of fish and whether they are shallow or deep. Is the water too warm or too cold?
5. Learn how to find the fish. There are several methods for doing this depending on if you are fishing in a lake, a river or on the great seas. If you are on the ocean one thing you want to do is keep an eye out for sea gulls and other predatory birds that appear to be feeding on bait fish. If the birds are feeding on top there is an excellent chance the fish are feeding on the bottom of the school. You will want to pull your boat up to the edges of the perimeter to minimize scaring away the fish as you cast out into the school. Deep-water channels and beachfront locations that have holes are also good places to find fish.
Finally, with most any kind of fishing you will need a lot of patience. However, before you do a lot of moving around try different lures and bait first. It takes a little while to catch fish. Any good angler will tell you that. More than likely you will need patience. That and a lot of sunscreen, beers and good friends would not hurt neither

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